Kim is AN AMAZING designer and has now been creating kits for a year!!! Woohoo!!! To celebrate, she's placing ALL of her goodies on SALE! But here's the catch: It's only for ONE DAY!!! (Go, go, go.... run and get 'em while you can!)
She has a gazillion items in her store.... and everything is great.... so you might be asking yourself: "What should I get? What can't I live without?" So - if you can't buy her whole store, here are the 'must haves' that I find myself using over and over and over again..... kits and page sets that I absolutely LOVE!
- Bug-ing (come on.... if you don't have it yet, this is so darn cute.... you HAVE to get it!)
- Edge It Grungy Grids (this is my current Kim B. fave! Love, love, love it!)
- Floppys (fun, floppy bows.... amazing set)
- Groupies (wonderful groups of frames - just add pics!)
- Grungy & Weathered Overlays (there are 3 sets of these.... but I love them all! Pick you own favorite!)
- Lovable (a Kim B. classic! An amazing kit!)
- Oh Natural Textures 2 (I like 1 too... but 2 is my fave out of the pair)
- Old Festive Cheer (an outstanding Christmas page set!!! You gotta check this out!)
- Papery Ties (these are just unique and cool!)
- Party On (a fantastic color palette and fun journaling bubbles)
- Pretty Twisted (the first Kim B. kit I ever worked with... so I will always love it!)
- Sew Simple White (it's ALWAYS handy to have stitching on hand for layouts... and this kit has a wonderful selection of different types.)
- Sparkles (can't say enough how much I LOVE these!!! I use them ALL THE TIME!)
- Stone Castle (you'll look at these rich colors and patterns and your jaw will drop while you're saying 'Wow!'.... it's just gorgeous)
- Storybook Romance (I love the butterflies, leaves, and flowers in this one.... so pretty)
- Ties (I guess they are actually called: "Just Ties" ... these always are useful.... hang tags or other elements with them.... SO cool!)
- Unda Da Sea (If you're a Kim B. fan, you'll know that this is just the 'best of the best!'.... Wow!)
- Weathered and Worn Overlays (this is 'hands down' my favorite overlays set!!! I use it constantly!!!)
- Weathered Frames (and this is 'hands down' my favorite frame set.... I also use it constantly!)
- Wound and Bound 1 (I love 2 also... but 1 is just a 'must have!' Wrap up frames, pics, and whatever else you like easily with these cool ribbons and stuff...)
- Zip Me Up (I LOVE the look of zippers on pages... and these are the best zippers out there! The 'teeth' and fabric are seperate... so you can make it any color you want to!)
Ok.... so those are the kits I use the MOST.... although there are many others that I really LOVE too.... but you would be reading all day if I put them ALL in this post!
Just keep in mind.... ONE DAY ONLY - her whole stock is 60% off!!!!
And just to let another 'cat out of the bag'.... (LOL!)... Kim will be releasing a couple new AMAZING personal and commercial use bags tomorrow.... but I'll let you check out her blog for the previews
And I (along with all of Kim's great CT) put together part of a HUGE brag book set bonus you can get if you buy both of her bags (at an amazing discount I might add...)
Here are a couple of the pages I put together: (just to tempt you to check out Kim's gear tomorrow.... not to download today! LOL!)

Ok... I have to run... but I will be back tomorrow with more previews of the brag book set and some layouts too.
Thanks for visiting!
I love the sample- I geuss now is a good time to start digi scrapping!... tempting!
Beth, I really like your blog! I look forwared to many visits here.
choo.choo! DSO blog train comming through!
You are right - Kim is awesome! I hope she'll keep designing for a loooooong time!
OH MY GOODNESS- BETH!!!!! You got me blushing!! Now I have RED ears too!!! WAHAHAHA
THANKS SOOOOO MUCH for the HUGE plug! WOW- I don't know what to say! hahahahahaha
Just to let EVERYONE know that that brag book is just STUNNING!!!!
LOVE you guys!
Sending huge HUGS
Darn it, this is what I miss out on when I don't bloghop for more two weeks! :(
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